You might love watching porn movies, but have you ever thought about the realities behind the videos you watch. Here it is top pornstars. Read ahead!
A large penis is not the norm
Penis sizes are usually around 6 inches in the real world, but they’re often 8 or 9 inches in porn. There is a common thought that a large penis will attract women. So, even when the penis size is not big enough, they would portray it with that size to get more views among the general public.
The majority of women aren’t as loud and shrieking as the women in porn
There is no doubt that loud orgasms are exaggerated. You would literally hear screaming, yelling, and putting on a show when you watching a porn film. In reality, this might not happen. Though it is noisy, the effects that porn movies give would not be in the reality.
It is almost impossible to have spontaneous anal sex
Performing an anal scene requires a lot of preparation. An adult film actress does not wake up one morning and decide to do anal. Your diet must be changed, laxatives and anti-diarrhea medication must be taken, and then you must stop moving your bowels. Then, they have to clean themselves thoroughly on the day of the shoot and prep themselves with lots of lube that is almost never seen by the camera. It might seem to be happening spontaneously, but the reality is quite different.
Porn stars who are gay are not all gay.
A lot of gay porn models are straight and use straight porn to get harder to perform on set. Gay porn often exaggerates the sexuality of its actors. Gay porn does a better job of exaggerating romance and connection than other types of porn. That detail might explain why gay porn attracts a greater number of female viewers than straight porn.
The bottom line
So, these are some of the back faces of the porn video and making revealed by the top pornstars. This will help you to find the reality and the things happening on screen and get a better idea about sex. Understand the facts before watching them and expect the right things with your partners in bed.